Thursday, September 25, 2003

You heard it here first!

The lead editorial in today's New York Times expresses concern about "The Presidential Bubble". [link] In the editorial, the editors say that it's "worrisome when one of the most incurious men ever to occupy the White House takes pains to insist that he gets his inofmration on what the world is saying only in predigested bits from his appointees."

Gee, I seem to recall that I may have posted something about this...where was it...Oh yes, it was right here on this blog! In fact it was the post right below this one!

There's a great New Yorker cartoon of a boardroom full of men and one woman. The man at the head of the table is saying "That's a wonderful suggestion, Ms. Smith. Perhaps one of the men would like to make it?"

Now I know how she feels.


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