Monday, April 19, 2004

I Wish I'd Said That!

Every once in a while, I come across a post on someone else's blog that captures what I'm feeling and couldn't put into words. Today, it's Liz at Life as a Spectator Sport who captured what I wanted or wished or didn't even realize I could put into words:

When my kids were little and I'd come home from work to find the makings of peanut butter sandwiches on the living room carpet, I used to holler at them, "If you're going to fix food in the living room, at least have sense enough to get rid of the evidence!" I feel like saying to Bush, "If you're going to lie to us, at least have the decency to pretend you're telling the truth."

It's the arrogant smirk that gets to me, the attitude that "I can do whatever I want and you can't do a damn thing about it." It's the repeated reference to WMD's even after his own people have admitted they weren't there to be found. They're hidden on a turkey farm? My God! Does he think we're so ignorant that we can't tell when he's making it up as he goes along? No, I don't think he believes that. I think he believes that what we think doesn't matter, so the complete and utter inanity of his claims doesn't matter either.

What we think about his performance doesn't matter to him, so why should he examine and analyze his actions? Surely not so he can answer questions about them at press conferences. The most arrogant man in the world is the one who thinks he shouldn't have to explain himself to anyone.

What we think about his statements doesn't matter to him, or he wouldn't countenance the outright lies his campaign puts out, claims that are pathetically easy to refute (see D-Bunker for some of these).

What we think about his economic policies doesn't matter to him, or he wouldn't continue to push for tax cuts that have already plundered the treasury and brought financial ruin on thousands of middle class families.

What we think of his work ethic evidently doesn't matter to him, or he'd spend more time at work and less time trotting his friends around on his ranch. Who else in this country could get away with spending 60% of his working days goofing off? What real "war president" of the past would even have considered leaving his post for so much time?

Even the opinions of service men and women and their families don't matter to him, this self-declared war president. He promises National Guard units a year of "boots on the ground," and then, while they're packed up and waiting at the Baghdad airport for transport home, he extends their tour of duty.

Thanks, Liz.


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