Monday, November 17, 2003

And now for something completely different...

Attention, loyal readers (you four know who you are)!

As you can see, Now Entering Laboville has been updated with a new look. Unfortunately, the old blog template was based on outdated HTML code that was incompatible with new Blogger features. Since I know this much about HTML (picture my thumb and finger really really close together), I gave in and updated to one of the new and improved Blogger templates. One of the benefits of the new template is that the text is larger (bigger fonts, same low price) and presumably easier to read. As a direct consequence of this, I will now be using longer and more obscure words in an effort to make you all work the way you used to with the old template.

The downside of this is that there will be a short shakedown period while I figure out how to incorporate features of my old blog into the new blog. Please bear with me. At the moment, the links to external sites are not working, and neither is the commenting feature. For now, if you want to comment, email me at and I will post the comments for all to see and read.

I hope you enjoy the new and improved Now Entering Laboville. If not, keep it to yourself.


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