Exposing Anti-Semites
So, Josh Marshall, at Talking Points Memo, has a post about an anti-Semitic opinion piece at GOPUSA.com. [link] It's pretty incendiary. But you're going to have to take Marshall's word for it (and the word of Atrios, another blogger), because the article has been removed from the GOPUSA.com website.
As quoted on Marshall's site, the article describes George Soros as follows:
No other single person represents the symbol and the substance of Globalism more than this Hungarian-born descendant of Shylock. He is the embodiment of the Merchant from Venice. His public reputation as an astute currency speculator is generous, while his skills as a manipulator and procurer of pain and suffering is shrouded in the footnotes of the financial journals. Claiming to be a philanthropist, his record is literally one of being a patron for indentured enslavement.
Double standards for an advocate of a permissive, yet regimented globe? If you think he is a friend of humanity, beware of his public attempt to influence his tribe, by insulting their benefactors. Before the Jewish Funders Network, he recently made these remarks: "There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that," Soros said. "It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies." The inevitable outcry from the usual suspects, just illustrates the orchestrated nature of the Soros effort to rationalize his own social agenda, while deflecting criticism back to his ancestral blood line.
Pretty outrageous, no? GOPUSA.com, by the way, is not affiliated with the Republican Party, and you might therefore ask, who cares? Well, it turns out that many notable Republicans, including some current members of Congress, have associated with the organization, most recently as scheduled speakers at a GOPUSA conference. [link] Some of the brighter lights: Sen. John Cornyn (TX); Chuck DeFeo (eCampaign manager, Bush-Cheney '04); Grover Norquist (President, Americans for Tax Reform and Republican uber-advisor); Pete Jeffries (communications director for House Speaker Dennis Hastert); Rep. Steve King (IA); and Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO).
All of which leads me to say, Oy.
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