Thursday, April 29, 2004

Signs of the Times

Wonkette [link] has a link to "Freeway Blogger [link], which memorializes a phenomenon that the site calls (not surprisingly) "Freeway Blogs". In the pre-blogging world these would have been called "signs hung on overpasses so that motorists can see them as they drive by."

In any event, as Freeway Blogger points out, the signs probably cost all of $35 dollars, but reached 2 million people. Think of them as Burma Shave ads, only political.

Anyway, some of the more arresting ones:

(Four signs across an overpass): "485 Dead" "2779 Seriously Wounded" "3,264 Blood-Soaked Uniforms" "And we impeached Clinton over one lousy dress"

"Quagmire Accomplished"

(Two signs) "Real Soldiers Died in their Hummers" "So You Can Play Soldier in Yours"

"You can have my gun when you pry it from the fingers of my cold dead child"

Given the serious subject matter, I won't say "Enjoy" (which I usually do when sending people to a quick-hit site), but rather, "Go see it."


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