Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Why it wouldn't be bad if the Yankees lose (no, really!)

As I write this, the Yankees are completing their historic collapse in the Bronx. Now, as a Yankees fan, I am disturbed -- if they had to lose, did it have to be this way? Despite the fact that Boston has won exactly one World Series in the time that New York has won 26, Boston Red Sox fans will be insufferable.

But there's a silver lining to all of this (or so I am desperately telling myself). Consider the situation: on the same day that the Red Sox look likely to win, the Astros lost. Put another way, the team from Texas lost and the team from Massachusetts won. Hmmm. That's got a nice ring to it in this election season, doesn't it? So, while I'm not superstitious, I'm willing to graciously cede Boston this victory and the bragging rights that come along with it, but on one condition -- I expect that Boston's other contender this fall will exhibit the same grit and determination in the face of a better financed and more corporatized rival, and beat the pants off of his opponent as well.

If Boston isn't willing to do that deal, then, well, I'll be forced to point out another team that choked bitterly and spectacularly during the playoffs. Yes, I'm talking about the 1986 Red Sox.

Do we have a deal?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1986 Red Sox...didn't they lose to a team from - you guessed it - New York? As in the METS?

But seriously - well no, but - are you getting the Ah-nold treatment for spouting such heresy?



12:53 AM  

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