Thursday, October 27, 2005

If You're Such a Believer, I Suggest You Pick Up a Rifle, Son

Alright gang, let's sharpen those #2 pencils - there's going to be a quiz at the end of this post.

According to the Times-Record, of Brunswick, Maine, "On Dec. 1, Alex Cornell du Houx, a 21-year-old Bowdoin College senior from Solon will head to Iraq for approximately 10 months as part of the Alpha 1st Company Battalion of the Marines." [link] Sounds patriotic, no? A young man with an education, volunteering for hazardous duty in service to his country. A public relations boon, right? Wait, it gets better. He's actively involved in his community:
[du Houx is] co-president of Community Service Council, an active volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and the Young Alumni Leadership Program, and a tutor at local schools in the America Counts Tutor Program. He also works at the youth think tank — Youth Empowerment Program.
But that's not all. Because of previous active-duty deployment, he's a year and a half behind his class at Bowdoin, but not bitter. He was running for the local town council, but withdrew because of his pending deployment.

And still, he's not bitter. In fact, he's downright selfless:
"Regardless of my opinions regarding the war in Iraq, it is my duty as a U.S. Marine to serve and I am ready and willing to do my job to its fullest extent."
Surely, a Republican dream soldier, right?

Except that it turns out that du Houx is also president of the Maine College Democrats, and was instrumental in organizing Democrats on college campuses across the state. He has also been active in College Democrats of America.

But wait, there's more: He has also been a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq.

So, to recap, a young man who is dedicated to his community is willing to make huge sacrifices to do his duty to his country, even though he disagrees with what his country is asking him to do.

I promised you a quiz, so here goes:
You're the president of the Bowdoin College Republicans and the national secretary for College Republicans. Do you (a) stay as far away from this story as humanly possible; (b) jump on the patriotism bandwagon and challenge all Democrats to do the right thing just like Mr. du Houx; or (c) make an ass of yourself by calling him a fringe liberal and questioning his motivation?
Okay, pencils down.

For those of you who picked (a) or (b), I'm sorry, but you're just not cut out for leadership in tomorrow's Republican Party. Yes, the correct answer was (c), according to the Times Record:
Daniel Schuberth, a leader of the Bowdoin College Republicans and College Republican national secretary, said, "I applaud Mr. Houx for his service, just as I applaud any other soldier who is brave enough to take up arms in defense of his country. I find it troubling, however, that one of the most vocal opponents of our president, our country and our mission in Iraq has chosen to fight for a cause he claims is wrong. Mr. Houx's rhetoric against the war on terror places him in agreement with the most radical fringes of the Democratic Party, and I am left to question his logic and motivation."
Really, I have no patience for this kind of crap. Mr. Schuberth, you are a rabid partisan moron so blinded by petty spite and so juiced up on red team-blue team bullshit that you've lost the ability to think straight. It scares me that you think you're qualified to run the country. Frankly, I don't question Mr. Houx's motivation -- I applaud his sense of duty and honor -- but I do seriously question yours. If you believe so fervently in the cause, I suggest you pick up a rifle and man a post, son. But if you're not willing to do that, at least stand back and be man enough to keep your yap shut when someone is willing to do the honorable thing.


Blogger Liz said...

Just drives the Rethugs batshit when they can't fault someone for being patriotic, doesn't it?

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



6:55 PM  

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