Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Soo-ee, Pig pig pig

You know that a Republican-controlled Congress must be out of control when even the conservatives are criticizing its pork-laden spending bills. [link]

The Heritage Foundation prepared a list of some of the estimated 10,000 pork-barrel projects that are included in the latest omnibus spending bill. The list includes some gems like this:

$270,000 for potato storage
$450,000 for trout genome mapping
$270,000 for sustainable olive production
$90,000 for olive fruitfly research
$200,000 for the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame
$16,000 for the National Distance Running Hall of Fame, Utica, NY
$150,000 for Rock School, Philadelphia, PA; and
$225,000 for the Hawaii statehood celebration

Here's the Heritage Foundation's list. [link] Enjoy.


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